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Top 10 Excuses You use to Put Off Writing That Paper -
Top 10 Excuses You use to Put Off Writing That Paper Top 10 Excuses You use to Put Off Writing That Paper One of the most troublesome ...
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Top 10 Excuses You use to Put Off Writing That Paper -
Top 10 Excuses You use to Put Off Writing That Paper Top 10 Excuses You use to Put Off Writing That Paper One of the most troublesome pieces of composing a paper is beginning. There is something in particular about venturing out plunking down to research and right that is so testing to understudies. It is hence that you and different understudies regularly think of reasons to put off the keeping in touch with you ought to do at the present time. Truth be told, we've found that a few reasons are extremely famous among understudies. Look at our main ten rundown of reasons that understudies like you use to put off composing that paper. At that point, read our recommendations for moving beyond each reason with the goal that you can start composing.   1. The Dorm Room is too Hectic Right Now To start with, pause for a moment to consider what you can do to make your place less chaotic. Would you be able to request that guests returned later? Would you be able to cut back the volume on the television? Would you be able to close your room entryway? On the off chance that these means don't tackle your concern, there are a lot of calm spots to compose nearby.  2. I am excessively Stressed Out From my Busy Day to Think Straight This is a substantial motivation to offer yourself a brief reprieve. Set aside that effort to watch a scene  of a TV program, to check your Facebook, or to scrub down. At that point, start writing. There's no compelling reason to squander a whole night without being at any rate somewhat gainful.  3. I May not be Writing But I am Thinking About the Assignment In the event that you do this, you are most likely thinking of some excellent thoughts. Tragically, on the off chance that you aren't thinking of them down, you won't remember the greater part of these thoughts later on. At any rate, you ought to type your musings into Evernote.  4. I Do My Best Work During the Day/Night Everyone has times when they are more profitable than others. On the off chance that you are genuinely happier with research paper composing during some other time of day, that is fine. This is the point at which you ought to be taking a shot at the more exceptional segments of your paper. Be that as it may, you can in any case do a touch of note taking or light altering at this moment.  5. There are New Episodes of Orange is the New Black on Netflix This is absolutely reasonable. Feel free to watch one scene, however then compose for in any event thirtyâ minutes before viewing another.  6. I Haven't Gone Out With Friends in Over a Week Tragically, you may need to make it one more day without your companions. In the event that you truly need toâ see your companions, welcome them over for a schoolwork session.â    7. I'll Do it Right After I Clean my Room This is fine if your room is genuinely so untidy that it is diverting. Simply ensure that you aren't revamping your CD assortment two hours after the fact as opposed to composing your paper.  8. I Need to Get Some Sleep. I Will Start in the Morning On the off chance that you are genuinely restless, you are settling on a decent choice. In the event that your rendition of rest isâ scrolling through Tumblr while laying in bed,â you can most likely at any rate get out a passage or  two.  9. I Cannot Think of a Topic Uplifting news! There is an answer for this. It includes plunking down and conceptualizing subject thoughts. Ifâ you are really stuck, have a go at hitting the web for some motivation.   10. I Just Don't Understand the Subject Concentrate on what you do know. In the event that you can't complete any composition, you can attempt spendingâ some time working out certain inquiries for your educator. Thusly you can get a touch of explanation.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The People of New England and the Chesapeake Colonies Free Essays
Since the beginning, numerous individuals from a similar nation have moved to various terrains where their new ways of life shared next to no for all intents and purpose. This was clear in the settlement of the New England and Chesapeake provinces before 1700 which caused the advancement of different social orders. The individuals of New England and the Chesapeake provinces shaped various governments upon appearance to North America. We will compose a custom exposition test on The People of New England and the Chesapeake Colonies or then again any comparative point just for you Request Now They had various thought processes and motivating forces for moving to America. The piece of the pioneers of New England and the Chesapeake territory were not at all like each other during the settlement of the colonies.The individuals of the northern New England provinces and the southern Chesapeake states framed discrete and various governments upon appearance in the New World. In New England, a town corridor style of direct vote based system was made. This made reasonable principle by the individuals, and property claiming men could cast a ballot. Towns were set up for the normal government assistance of the individuals and for the magnificence of God not upon financial standing. (Doc. D). Individuals were not to be voracious however were permitted to get by for their families. The individuals of New England set out to deal with each other and not to exploit their individual man in quest for riches (Doc.E). In the southern settlements of the Chesapeake, agent majority rules systems were set up. The Virginia House of Burgesses was the principal authoritative body in the New World. The delegate vote based system was extremely progressively like a nobility in which the rich residents controlled the administration. Southern culture depended on monetary status. There was an unmistakable upper and lower class (Doc. G). These privileged took cash from the lower class and utilized it for the individual increases of the high society which caused disappointment in the lower class (Doc. H).These acts incorporated the repossession of ranches and other average resources of the poor in the South. The disappointment of the poor lead to Bacon’s Rebellion and numerous others that further isolated the financial division so clear in the Chesapeake settlements. In view of the particular contrasts in overseeing their provinces, the Chesapeake and New England settlements created separate social orders in the New World in spite of originating from a similar mother England. The homesteaders of New England and the Chesapeake districts had various thought processes and impetuses for settlement of the New World.New Englanders came to America looking for strict opportunity. Their strict practices were a significant angle in colonization. The Puritans, who settled in present day Massachusetts, needed to be a guide to the remainder of the world by overseeing their state by their confidence (Doc. A). The pioneers of New England were set up for a lasting settlement of their state, so they carried with them the fundamental arrangements for the endurance of their province. Since the New Englanders had an arrangement for colonization, they arranged to endure the wild and freezing cold of the current day northeastern United States.The Chesapeake settlements were not all that decidedly ready for life in the New World. The principal Virginians were not aiming on remaining long. They had heard accounts of gold in North America and were resolved to make easy money and come back to England. The premise of the investigation of the Chesapeake Bay was a dash for unheard of wealth. Lamentably, there was never much gold in the district. While the residents of the state were scanning for gold, they didn't stress over arrangements. A brutal winter happened upon the settlement and brought Virginia into what history specialists call the Starving Time (Doc.F). Since the establishment of the Chesapeake state depended on a quest for riches, vital arrangements were not thought of, so the southern provinces had a moderate beginning on being a fruitful settlement. Due to varying interests and thought processes in colonization, the New Englanders had a head start in colonization and settlement on the Chesapeake pioneers, in this way building up a social gap in the homesteaders of the two districts. The demographical cosmetics and sythesis of the northern and southern homesteaders were distinctive during the colonization of their settlements.The northern provinces were worked to be changeless. They looked to the future, so the settler carried their families over with them. This caused a sound dispersion of people just as rich and poor (Doc. B). Financial classes were not an issue as the individuals of New England were happy to work with each other to benefit the settlement. Among these individuals were craftsmans and shippers that could add to society. These individuals turned into the base of their settlement and pushed their locale to flourish for quite a long time to come.The southern states were made out of for the most part treasure-chasing youngsters with no inherent worth (Doc. C). They were not experts or shippers; they were simply youngsters looking for gold. Their absence of abilities vital for endurance in the New World made early southerners rely upon cultivating to endure. Just the rich could bear the cost of the land expected to become fruitful estate proprietors in the South, however they depended on obligated workers and later captives to keep up their lives in the settlements. This caused a characteristic gap among rich and poor in the South that got everyday practice in southern life.The early set backs in colonization and absence of solidarity moved the southerners for some ages to come. The matchless quality of the northern provinces in financial aspects and human advancement when all is said in done made the northerners look downward on the southern states in spite of the way that they also were Englishmen. Numerous individuals of a similar country have come to various grounds and floated separated in social partitions. This was clear in the colonization of the northern and southern settlements before 1700, the reason for which was the advancement of discrete societies.The individuals of the northern and southern provinces framed distinctive overseeing bodies during the colonization of North America. These gatherings had various thought processes and motivators for going to the New World. The demographical and social cosmetics of the pilgrims of New England and the Chesapeake region were not the same as each other during the colonization of the settlements. The Chesapeake and New England settlements became two separate social orders regardless of the way that both emigrated from England. The most effective method to refer to The People of New England and the Chesapeake Colonies, Essays
Saturday, August 8, 2020
essay sample will help you to save your marriage
essay sample will help you to save your marriage The value of marriage is utterly huge. This is a very specific kind of relations between two people who wish to create a family and live together for the rest of their days. The need for a marriage is obvious. Nevertheless, there are too many cases when people split. Consequently, before getting married, many people reasonably ask how to prevent divorce and save marriage. Using the information about what can be done to prevent divorce problem solution essay, you may find the needed keys. It aims at the possible solutions, which can answer even the question how to prevent divorce before marriage because all of the recommendations mentioned in this paper can be used at any stage of relationships between two beloved people. How to Save Marriage? This is the how to prevent divorce essay and it contains important information that is needed for all people who wish to get married or are already in the marriage. In order to save your marriage, you should realize the main factors that led to such critical situation. Many people are looking for the causes and prevention of divorce because they know that marriage is something special, pleasant and even holy. Unfortunately, the statistic throughout the world is disappointing. More and more couples split due to a great variety of reasons. Some of them are reasonable. In the meanwhile, the others may seem to be ridiculous. Regardless of the factors, the society should figure out some effectual ways to reduce divorce rates. Here are some things to do to save a marriage: Listen to your partner. One of the inevitable and common reasons why a marriage breaks down is the absence of the desire to listen to one another. It is simply impossible to save the relationships if there is no interaction. One should listen to the second part in order to understand the issues and wishes of the second part. Afterward, there may be a sound discussion about how to overcome the problems. This is the first step, which can save your marriage. Listen to what your partner says. Reveal your feelings. There should be some room for expressing the feelings. It is not that easy to show our true feelings to other people. However, it’s an obligation for the married people. This will show your true nature, display you as an honest person and will provide your partner with the dependability that you can be trusted. Find compromises. You should be willing to undergo the compromises. Inability to compromise is another common reason why the couples get divorced. Of course, there are definite life positions and principles that cannot be given up. In addition, everyone should stand his/her own ground and don’t surrender at once. Nevertheless, there is always a possibility to find a solution, which can satisfy both sides. You only have to be ready to sacrifice something. Such action is really needed. It will show your eagerness and determination to rescue your relationships. Don’t blame your partner. There would be no good out of the constant argues between the two sides. Many people cannot help blaming each other. Such policy is the dead-end for any kind of relationships. You should be able to control yourself. Undoubtedly, your partner may be guilty in some aspects. Nevertheless, many people get carried away by the blaming the opposite side. It may start from a simple trifle and gain a great tempo. In truth, many people wish to hide their own guilt claiming that somebody else had led to this or that situation. You ought to build healthy and honest relations. Reject the blame and seek the compromise. Spend some time apart (if necessary). At times, a brief separation might be all that is needed to save a marriage. All of us need some time just to unwind. Being in the solitude, people begin to reevaluate their own deeds, the relationships in general and remember the main reasons why they got married. Afterward, they return with the desire to rebuild the ruined things. Of course, it is not advised to be apart for a long time. Many couples break down due to the lack of connection and intimacy. If you decide to spend some time apart, you should figure out how to avoid divorce during separation as well. Forgive and forget. The past wrongs may play against you. Each person makes mistakes. Nevertheless, holding an abuse for the whole life is wrong as well. You should learn the art of forgiveness. It is crucial for any sort of relationships and particularly for the marriage. If you wish to reach the pure harmony and balance, you should let go the wrong things done in the past. Target at the good and positive memories. Leave the negativism behind and never look back. Saving a marriage strongly depends on whether you are able to forgive and forget. Remember, once you promise that you have forgiven you should never get back to that issue. Otherwise, it will be simply unfair. Find the commonness. Another vital step, which can save your marriage, is to find the common goals. People come easily together when they have common interests. Spend more time undertaking the things both of you love and this will have a very strong and positive effect on your relationships. Remember the best moments. The memory of the good old times shouldn’t be buried forever. It would be good to remember the things you did together that made you happy. Visit the places you loved to go to, watch your favorite movies and something of the kind. You should take into account all solutions to divorce problems and try to fulfill each of them. Each of them is essential and may be a huge contribution to the salvation of your marriage. You should listen to your second half, show your feelings, be honest, express the true desire to resolve the confrontation and find the solutions together. Everything is in your own hands.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
What Were the Arab Spring Middle East Uprisings
The Arab Spring was a series of anti-government protests, uprisings, and armed rebellions that spread across the Middle East in early 2011. But their purpose, relative success, and outcome remain hotly disputed in Arab countries, among foreign observers, and between world powers looking to cash in on the changing map of the Middle East. Why the Name Arab Spring? The term â€Å"Arab Spring†was popularized by the Western media in early 2011 when the successful uprising in Tunisia against former leader Zine El Abidine Ben Ali emboldened similar anti-government protests in most Arab countries. The term Arab Spring is a reference to the Revolutions of 1848, a year in which a wave of political upheavals occurred in many countries throughout Europe, many resulting in an overthrow of old monarchical structures and their replacement with a more representative form of government. 1848 is called in some countries the Spring of Nations, Peoples Spring, Springtime of the Peoples, or the Year of Revolution; and the Spring connotation has since been applied to other periods in history when a chain of revolutions end in increased representation in government and democracy, such as the Prague Spring, a reform movement in Czechoslovakia in 1968. The Autumn of Nations refers to the turmoil in Eastern Europe in 1989 when seemingly impregnable Communist regimes began falling under pressure from mass popular protests in a domino effect. In a short period of time, most countries in the former Communist bloc adopted democratic political systems with a market economy. But the events in the Middle East went in a less straightforward direction. Egypt, Tunisia, and Yemen entered an uncertain transition period, Syria and Libya were drawn into a civil conflict, while the wealthy monarchies in the Persian Gulf remained largely unshaken by the events. The use of the term the â€Å"Arab Spring†has since been criticized for being inaccurate and simplistic. Tawakul Karman, President of Women Journalists Without Chains, at the anti-government protest site in front of the University of Sana on March 11, 2011. Jonathan Saruk / Getty Images What Was the Aim of the Protests? The protest movement of 2011 was, at its core, an expression of deep-seated resentment at the aging Arab dictatorships (some glossed over with rigged elections), anger at the brutality of the security apparatus, unemployment, rising prices, and corruption that followed the privatization of state assets in some countries. But unlike Communist Eastern Europe in 1989, there was no consensus on the political and economic model that existing systems should be replaced with. Protesters in monarchies like Jordan and Morocco wanted to reform the system under the current rulers, some calling for an immediate transition to constitutional monarchy. Others were content with gradual reform. People in republican regimes like Egypt and Tunisia wanted to overthrow the president, but other than free elections they had little idea what to do next. And, beyond calls for greater social justice, there was no magic wand for the economy. Leftist groups and unions wanted higher wages and a reversal of dodgy privatization deals, others wanted liberal reforms to make more room for the private sector. Some hardline Islamists were more concerned with enforcing strict religious norms. All political parties promised more jobs but none came close to developing a program with concrete economic policies. Medical volunteers during the Arab Spring, 2011 in Tahrir Square, Cairo, Egypt. Kim Badawi Images / Getty Images A Success or Failure? The Arab Spring was a failure only if one expected that decades of authoritarian regimes could be easily reversed and replaced with stable democratic systems across the region. It has also disappointed those hoping that the removal of corrupt rulers would translate into an instant improvement in living standards. Chronic instability in countries undergoing political transitions has put additional strain on struggling local economies, and deep divisions have emerged between the Islamists and secular Arabs. But rather than a single event, it’s probably more useful to define the 2011 uprisings as a catalyst for long-term change whose final outcome is yet to be seen. The main legacy of the Arab Spring is in smashing the myth of Arabs’ political passivity and the perceived invincibility of arrogant ruling elites. Even in countries that avoided mass unrest, the governments take the quiescence of the people at their own peril.
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Impacts of Climate Change on Australian Alps Ski Industry
Impacts of Climate Change on Australian Alps’ Ski Industry The changing nature of snow cover as a result of climate change is a modern phenomenon that climate scientists are beginning to understand. The negative impact of climate change on snow cover has serious implications for the Australian alpine ski industry, in particular the longevity of the industry. This essay discusses the impacts of climate change on snow cover and the alpine landscape, social attitudes, changes in the ski industry’s economy, as well challenges and adaptations facing the ski industry. The essay highlights the danger of short-term solutions resulting in permanent damage to our environment. The ski industry comprises of ten operational ski resorts (Figure 1) (NIER, 2006) worth over A$906 million. Yet, only â€Å"0.15% of the total continent†(Pickering, 2009) regularly receives snow as a result of low attitude mountains. Consequently, the limited area of snow is not the only limiting agent to skiing seasons with growing concerns of climate change. Impact of climate change on snow cover Australia’s ski industry is significant challenged by the effects climate change on snow cover. Declining of snow cover, amongst numerous issues (Figure 1), limits the growth of the ski industry. Snow cover is based on the concept of accumulation and ablation (Thompson, 2012). The drivers of snow accumulating and ablation are solar radiation and warmer temperatures from climate change. Increased temperature results inShow MoreRelatedImpacts of Climate Change on Australia Alps’ Ski Industry1078 Words  | 4 Pages The changing nature of snow cover as a result of alpine climate change is a modern phenomenon that climate scientists are beginning to understand. Declining snow depth and duration have serious implications for Australia’s ski industry, in particular the longevity of the industry. This essay discusses the impacts of alpine climate change on snow cover, adaption strategies to sustain the industry’s economy as well as the unsustainable nature of snowmaking as a long term solution. Limitations on waterRead MoreGlobal Warming Has Left Upon Our Natural Environment1878 Words  | 8 Pageswinters, well concerned fears are fulminating regarding the future of the ski industry, namely the ski resorts that reside in the Snowy Mountain region including Thredbo, Perisher, Charlotte’s Pass and the Selwyn Snowfields, and several major Victorian ski resorts including Mt Buller, Mt Hotham and Falls Creek. The Alps are the only region on the Australian mainland in which deep sn ow falls naturally, however, with the ongoing impact that global warming has left upon our natural environment, it feels ominouslyRead MoreProject Mgmt296381 Words  | 1186 Pagesactivities 9.1.2. Responsibility matrixes 10.1 Communication planning (.2.3.4) [App. G-4] Chapter 12 Outsourcing 12.1.1 Procurement requirements [G.8] Contract types Conflict management 12.2.7 The art of negotiating Change requests Chapter 13 Monitoring Progress Chapter 5 Estimating Times and Costs 6.4 Activity duration estimates (.3) 6.4.2 Estimating tools (.1.3.4) 6.3.1 Identifying resources 7.1 Activity cost estimates (. Delphi method Read MoreLogical Reasoning189930 Words  | 760 Pages1993 with ISBN number 0-534-17688-7. When Wadsworth decided no longer to print the book, they returned their publishing rights to the original author, Bradley Dowden. The current version has been significantly revised. If you would like to suggest changes to the text, the author would appreciate your writing to him at iv Praise Comments on the earlier 1993 edition, published by Wadsworth Publishing Company, which is owned by Cengage Learning: There is a great deal of coherence
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Advertising Analysis Free Essays
Advertisements often find ways to sell their products by psychologically manipulating people. The advertising industry makes us envious of others and convinces us to be unhappy with what we have (Valko). Steve Madden ads usually feature women with absurdly large heads and hourglass bodies which try to force the audience to wonder what the ad is about. We will write a custom essay sample on Advertising Analysis or any similar topic only for you Order Now One of these odd ads appears in the March/April 2001 issue of Twist Magazine. It features a young woman with a big head helplessly running, as an airplane zooms over her at an abandoned airport. There are three characteristics within the ad that contribute the whole idea that Steve Madden shoes, clothes and accessories will improve your self image. The main purpose of Steve Madden ads is to suggest to its viewers that they will feel good about themselves by wearing his products. The model’s big head conveys self-esteem and self-pride and she challenges the consumer to look as good as she does. The young woman wears a face of apprehension and is running away from her old self to start her new confident life with Steve Madden products. The sleek black leather jacket on top of a sexy white shirt, short enough to reveal her stomach and curvaceous hips together with her tight low rider blue jeans, black pointy high boots, and trendy black bag complete her fashionable outfit. The embellished woman’s physique is aimed to appeal to women and girls between the ages of 16 through 25 in search of funky, hip, sexy clothes. Steve Madden likes to think of his clothes of as being distinctive and he illustrates his idea by setting an abandoned airport as the background for the ad. There is not a body in sight as the model runs across the old gum stained pavement. This calls attention to the idea that by wearing Steve Madden buyers isolate themselves from everyone else. She is too proud and conceited and cannot imagine being compared to anyone else. The Steve Madden logo in the ad also contributes to the main idea of the ad. It could have been anywhere on the page, why the sky. Steve Madden ads always have their logos imprinted on the sky to imply that the â€Å"sky is the limit†with Steve madden products (Liza). Steve Madden’s use of the airplane flying across the model’s head are to let his consumers know that the only thing to stop them from accomplishing the look they have in mind is the limit the set upon themselves. Steve Madden will help its buyers attain the appearance they have always envisioned. Furthermore, it can be said, in Bertrand Russell’s words that â€Å"Good advertisements will either make the audience envious of the lifestyle being advertised, or will generate within the audience the desire to be envied by others†(Harris). Many advertisers aren’t as successful but Steve Madden manages to persuade his buyers to buy his products through his eccentric ads. How to cite Advertising Analysis, Essay examples
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Cyber Threat Vulnerabilitie Place Federal â€Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Cyber Threat Vulnerabilitie Place Federal? Answer: Introduction Information System has become a very important infrastructure in any company across the world. The survival of most companies today is based on the security of their information system. However, there has never been an integrated model that has the capacity to access the possible security risks and effectively protect the information as well as the assets. Information systems such as emails, messengers, e-commerce, chatting, and m-commerce via the internet, are increasingly exposed to cyber security accidents (Bagchi, 2017). In order to ensure effective performance of any information System, a company must invest in securing the system. In addition, a proper risk management system must be put in place. This can only be done through the employment of several distinct measures. It is indisputable that there is a continued need to secure information systems (IS) (Anton, Anderson, Mesic, Scheier, 2004). There have been increased incidences of IS security and risks (Kaschek, Kop, Claudia, 2008). Information system security and risk management require continuous assessment of any risk that may be exposed to the system. Discovery of any risk should be prevented within the shortest time possible. The major component of Information system security is risk management process (Pfleeger Pfleeger, 2012). The process should be incorporated alongside risk assessment. The process of risk management should be done through the installation of preventive measures of future security problems to the system. SI risk assessment practice is in compliance with the security standards that have been set by HIPAA as well as CEISP. Risk assessment enables organizations to determine risk levels that are acceptable to them. They are then able to set appropriate security requirements. Investigation, tools, and techniques According to Information System (IS) security experts, one of the main techniques of risk management process is a risk assessment. The assessment should be done by professionals who are well trained and can easily identify risks in the information system before the system becomes vulnerable. Risk management refers to continuous a process that involves analysis, planning, monitoring and implementation of security measures of an information system (Kovacich, 2003). The process has since become a policy in most organizations across the world. Risk assessment which is a type of risk management process is executed in an interval of time. It can be done on yearly basis or on demand, based on the security requirement of the given Information System. It is important to note that risk management is a process that entails a sequence of events and activities. There are structuring and re-configuration processes that are involved in risk management. Organizations often tend to generate instantiations that are favorable to them. It is necessary to conduct an assessment of an organizations IS the security controls from time to time. However, the continuous assessment cannot fully secure an information system (Tipton Nozaki, 2012). A fully secure system demands for continuous monitoring of the system. A development life cycle of the system should also be put in place to monitor the effectiveness of the system over time. One technique that Hewlett-Packard Company uses for securing the system is through continued monitoring of the systems security details. In addition, all the changes that are made to the system are documented so that there is a reference whenever there is a security threat to the system. Reference can also be made when a risk is discovered in the information system (Jones Ashenden, 2005). Based on the result of security assessment report, remediation actions would be conducted at a later stage. The final security status is reported to the officials who are in charge of the system. HP company management has made effort and ensured that there is periodic review of the information systems security status. The security techniques are based on the guidance of NIST SP800-37. The company has come up with their own approaches that they use in managing their information systems and the possible changes that may be associated with them. Responsibilities of an owner of the information system would be greatly reduced if configuration management is done so that there is only one common security control. However, HP is a multinational company and has the financial capacity to employ enough personnel who can effectively manage their systems. In addition, Hewlett-Packards information system administrators have accorded priority to volatile security controls in the system since they h ave a greater impact in any organization (Alberts Dorofee, 2002). Risk analysis matrix and control It is almost impossible to develop an integrated security model that can be used to address all the risks associated with an information system (Bidgoli, 2016). The proposed risk analysis matrix is through adaptation of software risk management. One of the attributes of software quality is the software itself. The security risk should, therefore, be investigated in terms of the software risk. Security risk refers to the damage or attacks that are made towards an information system. According to the risk analysis matrix, damages that are made on the assets of any organization as a result of cybersecurity can be categorized according to the vulnerability and threats to the assets. The security analysis matrix shows four steps involved in the security risk analysis. In the first step, assets, vulnerabilities, and threats of a given organization are identified. They are then evaluated. The resultant outputs are finally used to carry out security risk analysis. Finally, risk mitigation measures are put in place to reduce, and where possible eliminate threats that the assets may be exposed to. The mitigation measures, therefore, play a very crucial role in minimizing security risks. Domain analysis which is the first step of customizing security risk analysis is meant to improve the accuracy of the model. The threats, assets, and vulnerabilities are therefore analyzed based on their domains (Kramer, 2013). For example, information systems of a financial institution are completely different from those of a financial institution or a learning institution. The analysis that follows is that of classification of the assets, vulnerability and the threats. Assets can be classified as data, documents, software, hardware, and circumstances. Threats may be classified as human or non-human, network or physical, accidental or deliberate and technical or environmental (Dacey, 201 0). The vulnerability may also be classified based on administration, personnel, physical circumstances, technical hardware, and software. Based on these arguments, the product of loss or damage and the probability is equal to security risk (Dacey, 2010). Loss x probability = Risk The risk in this scenario is the reduction in value of an asset when the asset becomes vulnerable. Probability refers to the chance of occurrence of a threat. Security risk matrix Likelihood of risk Extremely high Medium Generally low Risk impact High Failure to secure the password to the companys server Failure to audit the companys information system Missing security indicators on the server Moderate Failure to secure the companys wireless internet from unauthorized use Usage of un-updated antivirus and firewalls Failure to back up the companys external servers Low Failure to frequently change the password to the server Failure to secure the servers backup Provision of weak passwords to third parties Analysis of relevant threats and vulnerabilities The first step of any analysis of threats and vulnerabilities is the identification of threats that could expose vulnerabilities of an information system. The identification can be done through consideration of the connections and dependencies of the system. In addition, inherited risks, software faults, controls, incorrect file permissions and personal changes must also be closely monitored. Possible vulnerabilities that are associated with every threat are then considered. There is the possibility of a vulnerability being associated with a series of threats if not just one threat. Inputs are then collected from past risk assessments, security advisories, security test results, audits among many others. Disaster Recovery (DR) plan The success of any disaster recovery plan is determined by how well the design is. It is, therefore, necessary to ensure efficient operations during disaster recovery (Kim Solomon, 2016). The recovery should start with a strong defense that provides border protection. The defense should be provided by an external firewall that borders the services of VPN and the router (Velliquette, 2004). Hewlett-Packard has installed an external firewall to their VPN and all their routers. All the three have configurations that have the capacity to transverse all the boundaries of the organization or company (Swanson, 2011). Firewall is the main component of the security infrastructure of any information system. Computer security network should incorporate firewall that incorporates hardware specifications as well as software specifications. Issues of redundancy and physical security should also be taken into account. There should then be an approach plan for fulfilling the primary needs of the or ganization or company in the course of disaster recovery (Velliquette, 2004). Meanwhile, the management of the company should certain their prioritized services so as to secure their systems further. In addition, companies should sign against the limited functionalities during disaster recovery (Velliquette, 2004). The management of HP has equally made that as a rule to be followed by its staff in charge of information system management. Any recovery approach that has been agreed upon should be configured with the perimeter defense such that the perimeter defense would automatically shift to the state of pre-disaster just before any normal operation. The current policy of the company should be considered during the development of the firewall contingency plan. Security modules such as A CERT can be used to test the disaster policy of many firewalls. A method should be implemented to monitor traffic that moves from pre-disaster state to post-disaster state. The method can be tested with the use of relevant data from the very company. A border router that has packet filtering can be used in non-application type of vulnerabilities. Proposal for a contingency plan Information System plays a very important role in the world today. It should, therefore, be in a position to operate without any disruption (Khosrowpour, 1996). A contingency plan is intended to set back the system back into operation whenever there is a disruption. Most of the disruptions are as a result of security risks. The plan simply revolves the acronym of the system and then sets the information system back into operation. A robust contingency plan should incorporate ISCOs and other disaster recovery plans (Kovacich, 2003). Hewlett-Packard company has recovery disaster plans which is in accordance with International security management Acts. The company has incorporated a disaster recovery that can be used to retrieve its information systems acronym in the event of any disruption An established plan that consists of the recovery phase, activation phase, and reconstitution phase should be maximized (Kovacich, 2003). Thereafter, resources and procedures should be identified. They would assist in maximizing the effectiveness of the operation. Responsibilities should be assigned to facility personnel. They would provide further advice that would be of great benefit in the recovery process. Finally, there should be cooperation among all the persons who are involved in the Contingency planning (Swanson, 2011). There should also be a coordination of external points and associated vendors. Furthermore, the owners of an Information system must support the development of a proper ISCPs. The developed ISCOs would be meant for those Information Systems that are ranked much higher. Hewlett-Packard, being a renowned world leading electronics company, the company management has taken all these measures in securing and managing their information systems. Analysis and report on Controls How tools are used in the organization with reference to OSI layers The very first step that should be considered when securing information is the elimination of any information leakage. The information resources should never be compromised at any cost. The physical layer of OSI model explains that obvious things should never be considered as being obvious. In many occasions, technologists have failed to realize that simple measures are equally very important in life (Pace, 2004). Hewlett-Packard Company for an instant has put in place stringent measures to secure leakage of information from the company. Simply obtaining a clue of a resource is enough to declare it as one that has been compromised. There should a proper plan for recovering information in the event that the information data is compromised. A good recovery plan is judged based on its success in the event that information resource has been compromised. There are some harmful tools towards OSI model. However, the problem can be eliminated through an analysis. The network layer of an OSI model is where routers and firewalls operate. The layer provides the best path that links a destination to the source. It is also within the layer that IP addresses are provided so that variables or systems can be uniquely identified. A system that is connected to the internet has an IP address. The address provides a way such that there is contact between the outside world and the system. In order to find a system on the internet, it is a requirement that one has to know the specific public IP address of the system. The same applies to applications. Security of the system is therefore increased through the configuration of the IP addresses such that one cannot easily compromise. Just like other world leading companies, Hewlett-Packard Company has configured their IP address. In addition, they have encrypted all their services to further enhance the security of their information system. The encryption service symbolizes the presentation layer of OSI layer. The technique scrambles all the available content. Encryption provides a sophisticated special code. One must, therefore, reveal the code before h e or she can access the system. The application layer of OSI points towards applications that are based on end-user products. The layer supports authentication and use of other applications (Pace, 2004). The commonly used authentication at the level is a password which is assigned to a unique ID. An individual must key in the unique ID alongside a password in order to access information data. Failure to present the unique ID and a correct password mean that the individual would not have access to the system. It, therefore, reinforces the security of the system since it eliminates people who are not supposed to access the system. An account can be redesigned so that it adheres to a policy. For example, it can specify the length of the password, a combination of letters, digits and or even special characters. The duration over which one can use a password can equally be altered. Such move would simply increase the security level of the system network (Pace, 2004). Organizational units covered by the security policy The information system has security policies that must be observed in every company. At Hewlett-Packard Company, there are users who have been assigned appropriate policy rights. The users are the only ones who are able to modify the security policy of the company. If a new computer if brought into the company domain, then the security policy of the domain would apply to the new computer (Brotby, 2009). The policy of the domain overrides any change that an individual may make to the system at the level of computer desktop (Syngress, 2003). Security policy is a preserve of computers. There are also security groups which are in use in the company by many employees. Security policy enables an individual to apply a given security profile to several computers that are meant to be secured. On the other hand, security group provides standardized rights that are to be adhered to by all the members of a given group. Organizational units can be regrouped to form logical units that are to be used by the users, resource objects and groups as well. The adjustment is always done through a hierarchy which is nested within a domain (Johnson, 2014). Organizational units that are based on a given domain operate independently. Every domain, therefore, has the capacity to fulfill the demands of its own hierarchy. Similarly, domains that are coordinated from one central authority can employ common organizational unit hierarchies. Business Contingency Plan (BCP) based on the risk plan It is sound superfluous for a company to plan for disaster when all its systems are smoothly functioning. Despite that, some degree of care must be undertaken. Hewlett-Packard Company uses logic manage and cloud based tools as its business continuity tools. The tools are able to retrofit all the companys data in case of disaster and then load it back to the system. All gaps would hence be eliminated. The business continuity plan hence foster confidence among the managers of the companys information system. In addition it increases their efficiency and encourages them to embrace innovation. Best practices in security risk management Best practices are necessary for ensuring that the information system of a company is completely secured. Some of the best practices include; Expertise should be considered when choosing the individuals in charge of managing the companys information system. The chosen personnel should avoid access to the companys security controls. The individuals should also have been certified by international associations in charge of privacy such as CIPM or CIPP among others (Brotby, 2009). Business associates of the company must adhere to security and privacy requirements of the same level. They must also comply with HIPAA The management of information system of the company must regularly provide an audit report of the system and recommendations. The report should be detailed detailing all possible vulnerabilities. Conclusion Effectiveness in the performance of a given information system is based on its management. There are several security risks that Information systems are exposed to. Managers of organizations and companies must, therefore, invest in securing the information systems. A completely secure system is free from threats and vulnerabilities. There is no process that has the capacity to shield an information system from all possible security risks. As such, every organization must employ a contingency plan. In addition, there must be a recovery plan that can be used in case the information system is attacked. References Alberts, C. J., Dorofee, A. J. (2002). Managing Information Security Risks: The OCTAVE Approach. Addison-Wesley Professional. Anton, P. 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